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New SL-22 glasswasher with 3 washing cycles

November 3, 2010 Español  

Sammic presents a new glasswasher SL-22, with a 400 x 400 mm. rack and electronic panel. With a maximum glass height of 240mm, SL-22 has 3 washing cycles, including a 130” cycle with final cold rinse facility, ideal for cooling cups later.

The electronic panel can display the wash and rinse temperatures and has thermal cycle delay option included, which guarantees that the minimum temperature at the start of rinsing cycle is 85 º C.

This model is available with a drain pump with non-return valve and non-blocking pump protection filter.

Sammic has a complete range of commercial dishwashers, all equipped with deep drawn dispersers, watertight controls, magnetic door micro-switch and automatic rinse aid dispenser. Optional accessories include detergent dosing equipment, height-adjustable legs and stands.

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