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Winners of II Sammic Scholarship

May 17, 2011 Español  

From Sammic, promoter of Sammic Scholarships, with chef  Martín Berasategui, in the framework of the BasqueStage project, it´s our pleasure to announce the winners of II Sammic Scholarthip.

The winners of this edition will be intern for 6 months at Chef Martín Berasategui's 3 Michelin Star restaurant in Lasarte, Spain. Besides, thanks to Sammic, they will have the chance to relate their experience, enhancing this Scholarship's value.

The initial winners of II Sammic Scholarship were Jane Tran and Marco Bahena but, due to scheduling problems with Jane Tran, she has had to be replaced by the third finalist Cameron Rolka.

With this, the winners for this edition are:

· Marco Bahena

· Cameron Rolka

Marco Bahena lives in Chicago and has received Culinary education at  Kendall College. He has taken part in important culinary competitions and has achieved important awards. Last year he was part of the US representation in the II Concurso Internacional de Tapas for students, which took place in Valladolid.

Cameron Rolka is finishing his culinary studies at the Art Institute of Portland. He has taken the initiative in putting his education to action-- in addition to creating the first student employee position, he assists with cooking classes and  moonlighted as a baker, making award-winning baguettes in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

We, in Sammic, would like to congratulate both winners, whom we look forward to meeting soon. 

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