High production retherming and cooking station

The SmartVide XL cooker + 30-gallon precision rethermalizer tank: Serve up to 200 portions of 200 gr per hour.

The SmartVide XL cooker and 30-gallon precision rethermalizer tank are designed to help foodservice professionals with productivity, menu versatility and culinary quality. This solution allows operators to serve up to 200 portions of 200 gr per hour while maintaining the same precision as a typical countertop sous vide tank.


  • High production: Up to 200 servings of 200 gr per hour.
  • Menu versatility: Several meals can be retherming simultaneously in the same bath.
  • Culinary quality: Preserves quality of the product and enhances flavor and texture.
  • Precision: To obtain extremely consistent results.
  • Easy HACCP control: Allowing to export or print results of each cycle.
  • Janby Track-Ready: Control cooking & retherming times of each product independently. See Janby Digital.



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